June Volunteer Day

A great day in the woods yesterday. Thank you to everyone that came along and for all the hard work on such a hot day!

We spent the morning scything large areas along the footpath, clearing brambles from the shrubs and weeding the new plantings. Another group took on the impressive task of extracting rhododendron roots, armed with mattocks and water bottles they managed to remove some impressively large roots. Both areas have been selected for new planting, so it was great to make a good start getting these ready for the autumn.

In the afternoon we also had the opportunity to listen to the recent audio trail created by artist Morgan Tipping, a chance to escape the heat of the day and reflect on the trees and our connection with them. For anyone who missed it, we are hoping to have a recording of the audio archived on the website in the coming weeks – more information coming soon.

See you next time!