Autumn and Winter events

We are pleased to announce some opportunities to explore the arboretum this Autumn and Winter, so pop these dates in your diary and come and visit us soon!

For full details of each event please see the events section of our website or click below on the name of the event to be taken to the relevant webpage.

We are aiming to keep track of up-to-date Covid-19 regulations and guidelines and are putting measures in place to keep all our visitors, volunteers and staff safe. We ask all visitors to maintain social distancing on site at all times, and regularly wash their hands. We will limit numbers taking part in activities and keep equipment and facilities clean. Some events details are still to be announced, and others may change if regulations change. We will keep you informed via our website and social media channels.

Bat and Moth Night with Butterfly Conservation

Friday 16 October 2020 6.30pm-10pm (please note there are two separate sessions for this event).

Come and discover what resident bats and moths we have on site, with this nighttime event.

Tickets £5, booking is essential.

Autumn Open Day with Tree Planting

Saturday 17 October 2020 10.30am-4pm.

A celebration of trees old and new, with activities for all ages.

Free, drop-in event; some activities will be bookable.

Fireside Gathering

Sunday 8 November 2020, 12noon-4pm.

A gentle afternoon enjoying the delights of autumn.

Full details to be announced.

Winter Warmer

Sunday 13 December 2020, 12noon-4pm.

Feel festive with our last open day of the year.

Full details to be announced.